Marlo Turner Ritchie Marlo Turner Ritchie

Evaluating Your Executive Director: Tips and Best Practices

ED evaluations are far too often not performed in non-profits. We have observed a few reasons for this. Often the Board doesn’t feel equipped or knowledgeable enough to evaluate the ED. Sometimes there aren’t policies and practices in place that promote regular evaluations of the ED. The absence of regular evaluations, with input from staff, can create unhealthy and unjust situations for staff and stakeholders who must choose between their individual and collective responsibilities, creating internal dilemmas like the one Alice is facing now. It is also a disempowering situation for an ED never to get formal, structured feedback on their performance and contributions. So how can your organization avoid this?

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Marlo Turner Ritchie Marlo Turner Ritchie

Budget like a boss - March 2022

When we’re calling the auditor, and crossing our fingers that we come out ok at the end of our fiscal year, it`s time to look at strategies.

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Marlo Turner Ritchie Marlo Turner Ritchie

Finding Support During the Pandemic - February 2022

Invest in yourself. Model self-care to your team. Give yourself a time out from the daily grind. And know - you are not alone.

We can offer theme-based coaching and lots of open space for people to share their challenges and ask for input.

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Marlo Turner Ritchie Marlo Turner Ritchie

Maison Plein Coeur Interview with Marlo!

It was a great pleasure to be part of the 30 interviews for the 30th anniversary of Maison Full Coeur - an essential organization by and for the seropositive communities. The moment Chris called me, the body experienced a major 20% cut from their annual budget. We worked together to create a culture of philanthropy in the organization, building an annual campaign and good funding practices. Now the team is preparing to launch a major capital campaign! Happy birthday to Maison Plein Coeur and congratulations to Chris, Denis-Martin and the whole team for a great job! The best way to go!

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